Nadine Touzeau
Net-profiler, researcher in behavior of cybercriminals, France
Title: Presentation of three scientific theories on the behavioral differentiations between the real and the virtual
Nadine Touzeau is profiler, net-profiler and researcher in behavior of cybercriminals. Two scientific books "Net-profiling" (2015 and 2018) has become a reference in several research and teaching laboratories in the world. From November 2017 to today, she has published more than twelve scientific articles in American journals Behaviour Differentiations Between Real to Virtual Space and has revealed 4 theories about her research on Behaviour Differentiations Between Real to Virtual Space. She was a professor at Gendarmerie School at Madagascar and Criminology Institute in France and teach in a High School in Digital in Paris
It is by wanting to reproduce profiling as I practice it in the real world in the virtual world that my research work began. 4 theories have been revealed on several discoveries concerning "Behavioral Differentiations between the Real and the Virtual Space". Three of them will be presented to you during this conference: "Avatarization", "Transversal Zone" and "Virtual Intelligence".
These Behavioral Differentiations between the Real and the Virtual show that our behaviors evolve, change. They point out that the notion of time must be redefined, that some senses disappear because they are not used and that others could develop, that our physiognomy changes as well as our emotions and intelligences