AlHanouv AlQahtani
King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Title: Infl ammatory biomarker Vs Na level as early detector of vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage
AlHanouv AlQahtani is an emergency medical physician at King Fahad Specialist Hospital at Dammam. She is a specialist at European board and Arab board of emergency medicine, certifying the end of this year. She is interested in neurovascular and stroke. She is planning to sub specialize neuroscience after the board. A member of coil and go model for cerebrovascular crises and hemorrhage management, a new path of using tele-medicine and new resources in order to decrease the patients mortality, started implementing the model for a year. She had a degree at global education Harvard university at 2016 for safety, quality, informatics and leadership. Own a prosthetics and orthotics center at eastern province of Saudi Arabia that holds most of cases at that region.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is devastating diseases with high rate of mortality and morbidity. Th e main cause of such attributable morbidity and mortality is vasospasm. Diff erent theories have been proposed for vasospasm. None explains it in its entirety, but some appear to explain therapeutic eff ects and more importantly, the prevention from vasospasm. In our study, we went to see the early detection of vasospasm using 2 diff erent strategies. First was the sodium level as a refl ection of the hypothalamic dysfunction and possible role in the homeostatic derangement leading up to vasospasm. Th e second was the trend of infl ammatory markers, to refl ect upon the immune dysregulation leading up to vasospasm. Th e aim is to identify which of these approaches serves as a better detector for vasospasm. We reviewed 100 cases of aSAH aver a 24-month period. Th ese patients were treated either micro surgically or endovascularly by the senior author and his team. Th e care for these patients was provided in a dedicated neuro/surgical ICU. Our results showed good correlation between the trend of blood infl ammatory biomarker and the occurrence of vasospasm. Detailed on the severity and outcome will be presented. Interestingly, sodium level derangement also correlated with the infl ammatory marker trend and the occurrence of vasospasm. Collectively, these results suggest the possible interaction between hypothalamic dysfunction and immune dysregulation in the pathogenesis of vasospasm. Th is also suggest the need to look for an up-stream eff ector in occurrence was of vasospasm, for a proposed model is being discussed.